Dever/Piper/Ware Discussion
A helpful discussion between Mark Dever and John Piper on the following topics:
- Limited Atonement (the "L" in TULIP)(Bruce Ware participates in this, who has been misdiagnosed as a 4-point Calvinist; for further thought I suggest Packer's introductory essay to John Owen's Death of Death, which settled my mind on it once and for all)
- N. T. Wright and justification
- Jonathan Edwards (and what to read first)
- being "missional"
- the relationship between social action and evangelism
- church structure (congregationalism vs. plurality of elders)
- the role of the government and the Christian's civil responsibility
- mega-churches
- abortion
This was a discussion held at Dever's church in D.C. during the week of ETS last November.