
Gentle & Lowly Resources
Gospel Coalition Articles
What’s the Relationship between Inspiration and Translation? A Response to Bill Mounce
APRIL 22, 2020
I am deeply grateful for the life and ministry of Bill Mounce. His Greek grammar was my introduction to biblical Greek as a sophomore at Wheaton College in 1998, and after using others over the years I still commend his as the best by far.
Don’t Squander the Little Years
JULY 25, 2019
Tiny kids are hard. By tiny I mean the first, say, three years of life. The age when they are factories of need and vacuums of love, yet can’t even offer the decency of an occasional “thank you.” The endless demands of parenting little ones can feel heightened by...
The Secret to a Fruitful Christian Life
APRIL 22, 2019
Just as the engine must be cared for if a car is going to function well over the long haul, the heart must be cared for if we are going to flourish over the long haul. And just as the engine powers the vehicle, so the heart drives all that we do. The heart is the motivation headquarters, the central animating core of all our longings, fears, and actions.
Want to Be Like Jesus? Be Gentle.
OCTOBER 17, 2018
Jonathan Edwards wrote that “a lamblike, dovelike spirit and temper” is “the true, and distinguishing disposition of the hearts of Christians.” And he has something to teach us.
The Ministry of Listening
MARCH 10, 2018
Have you considered the ministry of listening?
The very word “ministry” conjures up images of preaching, teaching, writing, talking, and counseling. But to minister to someone is simply to serve and love them. And a quiet, neglected, little-talked-about way we serve and love others is by listening to them.
Death—Enemy or Friend?
SEPTEMBER 12, 2017
Is death a Christian’s friend or enemy?
Surely it’s both. But how do we put the two together without being either too glib or too morose at the next funeral we attend?
On the one hand death is a Christian’s enemy—indeed, our greatest enemy…
Crossway Articles
What Was Paul's Thorn in the Flesh? (2 Corinthians 12)
December 29, 2021
This passage gives every indication that the thorn in Paul's flesh is still a present reality and thus represents a prolonged, sustained pain. But what was the thorn?
His Ways Are Not Your Ways
May 06, 2021
We tend to project our natural expectations about who God is onto him instead of fighting to let the Bible surprise us into what God himself says.
9 Wrong Ways to Read the Bible (And One Better Way)
September 30, 2021
The Bible is good news for us. Here are nine common but wrong ways to read the Bible, followed by the right way.
6 Questions about Christ’s Heart for Sinners
May 02, 2020
We cannot present a reason for Christ to finally close off his heart to his own sheep. No such reason exists.
Gentle and Lowly in Heart
March 31, 2020
You don’t need to unburden or collect yourself and then come to Jesus. Your very burden is what qualifies you to come.
8 Reminders in the Face of the Coronavirus Pandemic
March 13, 2020
These are strange days, days of fear, days of hysteria. In other words, days that simply bring all our latent anxieties up to the surface.
Desiring God Articles
Dare to Feel Forgiven: Four Ways into the Heart of God
MARCH 28, 2020
Do you struggle, even after years of believing the gospel, to feel forgiven by God?
The most vital reality, of course, isn’t to feel forgiven, but to be forgiven.
Safe Beneath His Sovereign God
August 12, 2018
In the spring of 1750, the central discussion at Northampton Church in southern Massachusetts was not how to honor their faithful pastor for almost a quarter century of diligent labors among them. Rather, it was how to most expeditiously get rid of him.
Joy Doesn’t Always Look Happy: Five Lessons for Spiritually Dry Seasons
MAY 22, 2018
“Though we have not always the joy of the Spirit, yet we always have the Spirit of joy.” —Richard Sibbes (Works, 4:136)
The presence of the Spirit is constant. The experience of the Spirit ebbs and flows.
Does God Like Me?
August 6, 2017
How does God feel about you after you’ve sinned?
I’m not asking about your legal status before God — if you know the gospel, you understand that trusting in Christ and his atoning work fully removes your legal guilt. I’m asking a different question, a more deeply personal one. Does God view you as technically guiltless but personally repugnant after you’ve sinned?