Luke 14 and 16

Luke 14 is about, in a word, invitations. If I were to teach on it in the near future (which I'm not), I think it would look something like:

1) 14:7-11 - cashing in an invitation
2) 14:12-14 - giving an invitation
3) 14:25-33 - the cost of the Invitation

Luke 16 is about, in a word, money. If I were to teach on it in the near future (which I'm not), I think it would look something like:

1) 16:1-9 - the usefulness of money
2) 16:10-13 - the dethroning nature of money
3) 16:14-15 - the irrelevance of money
4) 16:19-31 - the deceitfulness of money

Schlatter: Gal 1:15


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