'. . . and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together . . .' (Gen 3:7) 'So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, "Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything . . ."' (Matt 18:26; 'everything is an unpayable amount)
We sinned in the Garden, and immediately the impulse to self-save welled up. We know our nakedness, and we furiously yet subtlely strive to cover it. And we've been doing it ever since. We sense our sin and the impulse comes: 'Have patience, and I will pay you everything . . .' But the debt is unpayable. And to try to pay it is not to mitigate our debt but increase it.
Here's God's answer.
'Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.' (Ps 32:1) 'He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree . . .' (1 Pet 2:24)
We sinned in the Garden, and immediately the impulse to self-save welled up. We know our nakedness, and we furiously yet subtlely strive to cover it. And we've been doing it ever since. We sense our sin and the impulse comes: 'Have patience, and I will pay you everything . . .' But the debt is unpayable. And to try to pay it is not to mitigate our debt but increase it.
Here's God's answer.
'Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.' (Ps 32:1) 'He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree . . .' (1 Pet 2:24)