Thank you, Dr. Beale

Two days ago Greg Beale and his wife Dorinda flew from Chicago to Philadelphia, where he will, Lord willing, spend his last and most fruitful season of ministry at Westminster Seminary. Walking to the downtown Wheaton Starbucks the day before he left, a friend and I ran into Dr. Beale, also on his way to Starbucks, and spent some time together talking about the Lord and how to serve him with all our minds. A fitting final memory.

The two greatest academic privileges of the past three years have been, one, writing a dissertation on Paul under Doug Moo, and two, spending time with Greg Beale.

Dr. Beale helped me put the whole Bible together in Spring 2009. I now read passage after passage with new eyes. He has done a world of good to a generation of students, communicating the treasures of Scripture not only in what he said but how he said it. My dad told me of the reverent intensity with which Dr. Beale exegeted the Bible when they were first-year Greek students together at Dallas Seminary. That wonderful love for the Scripture has not waned. He has stood up for currently unpopular aspects of evangelicalism this past decade, heedless of personal cost. He has served his students, his institution, and his God, with courage and strength.

Wheaton's loss. Westminster's gain. The Lord be with you, Dr. Beale.

Carson on Scripture


Edwards: Christ the Refuge