Redemptive History: The Mighty River
Sidney Greidanus:
The Old Testament proclaims God's mighty acts of redemption. These acts reach a climax in the New Testament when God sends his Son. Redemptive history is the mighty river that runs from the old covenant to the new and holds the two together. It is true, of course, that there is progression in redemptive history, but it is one redemptive history. . . .--Preaching Christ from the Old Testament: A Contemporary Hermeneutical Method (Eerdmans 1999), 48
A single, God-guided redemptive history is the basis, the foundation, of the unity of the Old and New Testaments. . . .
Jesus Christ is the link between the Old Testament and the New. God's revelation reaches its climax in the New Testament--and this climax is not a new teaching or a new law, but a person, God's own Son. The Old and New Testaments are related, therefore, not as law-gospel but as promise-fulfillment (a person).