Spiritual Face-Plants Are Not a Thing of the Past

A wonderful, heartening post from our brother Josh Rogers, the fourth in a series of four. He begins--
After years of self-induced, spiritual stress, I finally realized God wasn't the shin-kicking, cosmic scorekeeper I had imagined.

For the first time since I was a kid, I knew my salvation was secure, and obedience seemed like an opportunity, rather than an obligation. I was a changed man, a Jesusy flower child, feeling saved all over again.

Most importantly, now that I was experiencing an abundant life in Christ, I figured I wouldn't even want to sin anymore. Of course, I knew that I might periodically fall into sin, but I thought it would only be a minor distraction most of the time.

I was finally learning to walk on my own, and the days of embarrassing, spiritual face-plants were over.

If only.
Read the rest. Thanks Josh.

Thanks, Reverend


Packer on Justification