If he be thine enemy, it is no matter who is thy friend

Richard Baxter, Puritan pastor and author:
Consider that he is almighty, and there is no resisting him. . . . If he be thine enemy, it is no matter who is thy friend; for all the world cannot save thee, if he do but condemn thee. . . . [T]hy life is always in his hands, thou canst not live an hour without him, thou canst not fetch a breath without him, nor think a thought, nor speak a word, nor stir a foot or a hand without him . . . no love can be great enough, and no praises can be high enough, and no service can be holy and good enough for such a God.
--Richard Baxter, Works, II:589; quoted in J. I. Packer, A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life (Crossway, 2010; repr.), 168-69

Packer: How He Got Writing in the 1950s


The Unwritten Code