A New Commentary Guide

This looks like a helpful resource: John F. Evans' A Guide to Biblical Commentaries & Reference Works (9th ed.), published by Doulos Resources. Evans teaches in Nairobi, Kenya.

He surveys commentaries, commentary series, and other biblical research tools up through 2010. He also provides recommendations for a small personal reference library of biblical resources as well as a large one.

A few endorsements:
"John F. Evans’ A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works is an indispensable handbook for scholars, preachers, and serious students of the Bible." --Hassell Bullock, Wheaton College

"Evans' A Guide to Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works is an indispensable handbook for scholars, preachers, and serious students of the Bible." --Gary Burge, Wheaton College

"Evans' annotations of the NT commentaries are very impressive. My New Testament seminary students need this book. This will be immensely helpful for their research on papers and for deciding which commentaries to buy for their future pastorates." --Robert Cara, Reformed Theological Seminary

"It is exceptionally well done and far better than anything else I have seen! The introductory material is excellent. It seems to me to be something that will help a lot of students and pastors, and even professors!" --Donald Hagner, Fuller Seminary
Purchase options are: $14.95 through the rest of 2010 ($16.95 in 2011) in print edition, or a PDF of the book for $8.95 (permanently). For a 20% discount off the print edition or 10% off the PDF, order the book at Doulos Resources eStore and add this code:
The book has a website with more information here.

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