The Opposite of Biblical Christianity
Ken Wilber, a 'mind-blowing' author according to Rob Bell:
A few things:
1. This guy couldn't be more Kantian if he tried. In all the ways we don't want to be like Kant.
2. The lady whispering 'I-am-ness' at 3:09 is both laugh-worthy and tear-worthy.
3. The reference to Exodus 3:14 is a hijacking of what that text, and the whole biblical revelation of God, means.
The epistemology, anthropology, and theology propounded here is the opposite, the precise opposite, of biblical Christianity.
I might add a fourth comment--what Ken needs to hear from the Christian community is disagreement with compassion, not disagreement with scorn.
HT: Theoblog
A few things:
1. This guy couldn't be more Kantian if he tried. In all the ways we don't want to be like Kant.
2. The lady whispering 'I-am-ness' at 3:09 is both laugh-worthy and tear-worthy.
3. The reference to Exodus 3:14 is a hijacking of what that text, and the whole biblical revelation of God, means.
The epistemology, anthropology, and theology propounded here is the opposite, the precise opposite, of biblical Christianity.
I might add a fourth comment--what Ken needs to hear from the Christian community is disagreement with compassion, not disagreement with scorn.
HT: Theoblog