Paperback Works of Edwards

Readers may be interested to know that the Yale University Press critical edition of Jonathan Edwards' works (the font of which is far superior to that of the un-critical 1834 Hickman edition) is putting these volumes into paperback. I got my copy of Religious Affections today and am pleased with it. At least volumes 1, 2 and 4 are now available in paperback.

I point this out because these paperback volumes will be available for the merciful price of around $20 each--10 to 20% of the cost of the hardback copies.

There is of course the fully searchable text of all 26 volumes available for free online. I still shake my head at this. And for searching purposes this online venue is wonderful. But for those, like me, who want to be able to hold, feel the weight of, mark up, and (yes) smell their books, you can now do so for the price of a tank of gas.

More info here.

Whose Feet Am I Washing?


Nate Larkin at Covenant Seminary