A Thought on 1 Corinthians
Is there not an implicit affirmation of living in light of the gospel every day as believers in the fact that 1 Corinthians is the letter where Paul says he resolved to know nothing but Christ and him crucified (2:2), yet it is also the letter that addresses a greater amount of practical, every-day church matters than any other?
Paul not only resolutely knew nothing but Christ, evidently, but also resolutely handled things like sexual immorality, lawsuits among believers, marriage, idol-meat, the Lord's Supper, head coverings, speaking in tongues, the bodily resurrection, fundraising.
Isn't this evidence that to handle such everyday things well is a result of, not an alternative to, gospel-centeredness?
Paul not only resolutely knew nothing but Christ, evidently, but also resolutely handled things like sexual immorality, lawsuits among believers, marriage, idol-meat, the Lord's Supper, head coverings, speaking in tongues, the bodily resurrection, fundraising.
Isn't this evidence that to handle such everyday things well is a result of, not an alternative to, gospel-centeredness?