This is Preaching
Lloyd-Jones, preaching on John 14:1--
It's that last paragraph especially that strikes me. This is preaching, is it not?
I would remind you again that the Bible claims that it and it alone can really show us this quiet heart. I do not apologize for that. I state and assert it.--Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (Crossway, 2009), 46-47
We cannot mix this the gospel of Jesus Christ with anything else; it is either this or nothing. . . .
Let us, then, consider together the Bible's method of giving us a quiet heart. This, the Bible tells us, is an actual and practical possibility for us in this world of time. . . .
That is what I have to offer. It is my privilege to tell you that it is possible for you, whatever your position, whatever your circumstance and condition and problem, to be delivered from trouble and distress and pain of mind and of heart to know the peace of God 'which passeth all understanding' (Phil 4:7). I want to put this before you as an actuality and as a possibility here and now.
It's that last paragraph especially that strikes me. This is preaching, is it not?