Build 2011

This looks like a solid weekend taking place next month for Christian men.
Location: Normal, Illinois

Date: Saturday, September 24

Sponsor: Acts 29

Speakers: Elliot Grudem, Scotty Smith, Bob Smart, and others

Description: "Founded in 2010, BUILD is an Acts 29 Regional Men’s Conference designed to help men re-orient their lives around the gospel. Men often see themselves as workers, providers, and builders, yet in the midst of “building” fail to see their own need to be built. This is not a one-time occurrence but a daily pattern of confessing and repenting of sin, while trusting and rejoicing in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (the gospel!) is the power unto salvation and of first importance each day of our life. Through an ever deepening faith in the gospel, we begin to build our lives: on the gospel, with the gospel, for the gospel."

Registration: here

How Not to Quote the Bible to Hurting People


The Almost Christian