When Book Titles Get too Clever for Their Own Good
What does the Bible really say about gender, the ethics of submission, and male-female roles? In this book, well-regarded theologian Alan Padgett offers a fresh approach to the debate. Through his careful interpretation of Paul's letters and broader New Testament teaching, the author shows how Christ's submission to the church models an appropriate understanding of gender roles and servant leadership. As Christ submits to the church, so all Christians must submit to, serve, and care for one another. Padgett articulates a creative approach to mutual submission and explores its practical outworking in the church today, providing biblical and ethical affirmation for equality in leadership.I think I understand the point of the title, in light of the NT's theme of Christ serving the church in love, and giving an example of humility.
But the play on Ephesians 5:24 is unwise and perhaps veers close to blasphemy.