Creation and Redemption
Gabriel Hebert, British Anglo-Catholic monk and Old Testament scholar:
Redemption is the renewal and restoration of that which God created in the beginning.--Gabriel Hebert, The Old Testament from Within (Oxford University Press, 1962), 16-17
It is not that by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ man is rescued from entanglement with the created order and with the body--as if man were thereby raised from preoccupation with the ordinary concerns of life into some region of Higher Thought where he can be initiated into a theosophical secret lore. It is that the Son of God in his Incarnation became true man, growing up in a family, working in a carpenter's shop, and at last facing death as we all must and so winning the victory for man.
St. John in his Epistle sees the key-point of the Christian faith in 'Jesus Christ come in the flesh'; every person speaking with authority and claiming inspiration ('every spirit') who confesses this is of God, and he who denies this is utterly and fatally wrong (1 John 4:1-3).
The world which God has redeemed is the world which he created.