The All-sufficiency of Christ Everywhere We Look
I'm working through volume 1 of his collected works now, and am in the midst of six sermons on John 1:16 and specifically the phrase "grace upon grace." The burden of the whole series of messages is to commend the all-sufficiency of the grace of Jesus Christ for all our needs and desires.
Here's a quote from the fourth sermon.
Beloved, if Jesus Christ were not the great Lord-Keeper of his Father's wardrobe, why should those names and titles be given to him, which you find so frequently in Scripture? Cast your eyes where you will, you shall hardly look upon any thing, but Jesus Christ has taken the name of that upon himself.--William Bridge, Works, 1:261–62
If you cast your eyes up to heaven in the day, and behold the sun, he is called "the Sun of Righteousness," Mal 4:2.
If you cast your eyes in the night upon the stars, or in the morning upon the morning star, he is called "the bright Morning Star," Rev. 22:16.
If you behold your own body, he is called the head, and the church the body, Col. 1:18.
If you look upon your own clothes, he is called your raiment; "Put ye on the Lord Jesus," Rom. 13:14.
If you behold your food, he is called bread, "the Bread of Life," John 6:35.
If you look upon your houses, he is called a door, John 10:9.
If you look abroad into the fields, and behold the cattle of the fields, he is called the Good Shepherd, John 10:11; he is called the Lamb, John 1:29; he is called the fatted calf, Luke 15:23.
If you look upon the waters, he is called a fountain; the blood of Christ a fountain, Zech. 13:1.
If you look upon the stones, he is called "a Corner Stone," Isa. 28:16.
If you look upon the trees, he is called "a Tree of Life," Prov. 3:18.
What is the reason of this? Surely, not only to way-lay your thoughts, that wheresoever you look, still you should think of Christ; but to show, that in a spiritual way and sense, he is all this unto the soul.